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RED Color Mist

RED Color Mist

Regular price $28.00 USD
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This mist is to be used in assistance of visual color healing and meditation. Spray around your space or use as a perfume. The labels are made as a visual guide to help assist in bringing the color in though the eyes, and to help with color breathing, light therapy, working with the chakras or crystal healing. Comes in large beautiful glass spray bottle with gold cap. 

RED corresponds to the Root chakra, and our survival instincts. It is a color of physical vitality, vigor, and passion. Red is a grounding color. It is an excellent color if feeling lethargic or needing energy to complete a task or activity. It encourages recovery and stimulates the senses. It is a color for sexual attraction and passionate love. Can help those who are shy or introverted to come out of their shell.

Ingredients: Water, Distilled grain alcohol, Strawberry powder, Beetroot, hibiscus, tomato powder, Carnelian gem essence and various essential oils.

Not for internal consumption. All topical products should be tested on inner wrist before full use - some people have allergies to certain herbs, oils or bee products.  If pregnant, check with your midwife or physician before using any herbal products. 


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